“25 Days of Sharing” at SGN SCOOPS

December is a time for sharing. At Christmas, we (Christians) celebrate The Greatest Gift of All, Jesus Christ.

Over the next few weeks we will be talking with many industry leaders, artists, pastors, promoters, etc. and asking them questions.  They will “share” the answer to the question in 10 seconds or less. We are asking for their best advice on many different topics. Be sure to check out the video each day in December at www.sgnscoops.com.

Join us for 25 days of sharing at SGN SCOOPS and remember to remember that Jesus is the Reason for the Season.

We will begin the video posts on December 1st with this question we asked Pastor and Promoter, Bill Bailey.

Bill, you are one of the Top Promoters in Gospel Music.

What advice would you give to anyone about promoting a successful concert in 10 seconds or less?

Don’t Miss the answer!