Charlie Sexton talks about “Poppy”

My Dad and I had very little in common. He was an avid sportsman who loved the outdoors. I am not. He was quiet and unassuming. I am not. He was a Man’s Man. I am not. But, later in life, I realized that we had more in common than I thought. He had long supported me in my musical pursuits, though he couldn’t carry a tune in the proverbial bucket. When I was with Liberty, from Cumming, GA, we worked a lot of outdoor 3 day festivals. We needed someone to watch our merch table, and Dad had just retired from Georgia Power. He fell in love with the traveling, the music, the bus life, and as this photo depicts, the people. They loved him, too. He garnered a following of his own, and a nickname that stuck…. Poppy. When he passed away 11 years ago, I had hundreds of calls from folks across America who loved me and my Dad. Happy Poppy’s Day!!!

