Favorite Christmas Memory- Lorraine Walker, Editor

Favorite Christmas Memory
One of my favorite Christmas memories is probably also one of my most embarrassing. I grew up in a family of three daughters, very close in age, and when we were small, we pretty much always wanted the same thing. For instance, one year we all got almost identical sleighs. The one Christmas in particular that I remember, Mom and Dad weren’t in the house because they were probably still out in the barn milking the cows.

It was quite close to Christmas, and we three girls decided to hunt for our Christmas gifts. Living in a small bungalow, there weren’t many places to hide things, and we pretty much knew where our parents would hide things. This year, we found them, despite warnings from our parents to keep our noses out of closets. We found three things that looked amazing to us. They were pink, fuzzy, and cuddly; beautiful housecoats to wrap ourselves in every evening. They were each a bit different, and we each decided which one we were getting.

I was just bursting with the secret and being the youngest, I found it the hardest to keep. I don’t remember now what the conversation was around the breakfast table the next morning, but I do remember blurting out something about housecoats. I remember the look of horror on my sisters’ faces.
The problem with sneaking peaks at your Christmas presents early, is that the big surprise on Christmas morning really isn’t so big anymore!
What I remember about that Christmas morning, was that we didn’t get the housecoats we each thought we were getting. Mom and dad did a bit of a switch-a-roo, just so that we were a little surprised I guess.
Christmases were always fun and exciting at our house; I remember gifts and laughter and of course, lots to eat. But I also remember candlelight Christmas services, where we each held real candles, whose flames flickered off of the dark stained glass windows and polished pews. I remember a reverence and holy quietness that surrounded those services. We knew that, despite the fun, presents, and other wrappings of the season, Jesus was the reason we celebrated and His light was the light that filled our hearts at Christmas and throughout the year.
Regardless of your Christmases past, I hope you know Jesus: the Light of the world……. Lorraine