Hope To The Hill with Nathan Kistler

Hope To The Hill with Nathan Kistler
Hope To The Hill with Nathan Kistler

What a blessed month we have had. God has opened new doors of ministry, and on top of that, we had the great privilege of celebrating our nation’s independence on July 4.

I am so thankful to God for His continued blessing in this land. Our nation’s beginnings were truly guided by the hand of God, and even today, we find that He is still working amidst the seeming chaos we experience.

Hope To The Hill with Nathan Kistler
Nathan Kistler

The media tends to blow out of proportion what is happening in Washington and in some cases they outright make up stories.

It is imperative now more than ever that we understand what is at stake here in this land and that we recognize what God is doing in the 115th Congress. There are more Christians in Congress right now than we’ve had in many, many years. I firmly believe that revival is just around the corner.

Every day, great prayer warriors are on their knees begging God for mercy and blessing, prayer warriors that include many members of the 115th Congress.

Hope To The Hill with Nathan KistlerThese men and ladies are key as they are standing in the gap for truth in this modern day Babylon we find ourselves in.

Please set down the TV remote and take some time in God’s Word whilst praying for our elected officials.

Also, I would ask that you pray for us as we endeavor to minister to these wonderful men and women who represent us every day. We desperately need your prayers and support for the days of battle which are ahead of us. God’s people must stand up while they speak truth in love.

Hope To The Hill with Nathan KistlerI am so thankful for each of you and your prayers.

Your friend in Washington,

Nathan Kistler, nathankistler@gmail.com, www.hopetothehill.com

First published by SGNScoops Magazine in August 2017

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