Kevin Pauls: Trust – a prayer for today

Kevin Pauls. True MusingsThis was my prayer this morning… by Kevin Pauls

Today God…I first want to acknowledge your provision. I really feel awkward when people say “God is in Control” – that leads me to believe you are in control of this chaos. I believe you are in ultimate control, but that does not mean micro managing the world or our lives. In simple terms…I do not think you caused this or any other tragedy…but I firmly believe you are in this with me! Standing, holding, encouraging…loving me through this entire episode.I never want to pretend I know things that are un-knowable. We have a book full of stories about God and the interaction between the Jewish People and Yahweh. We have letters and encounters about the life of Jesus, we have first hand accounts of the death and resurrection of Jesus, we have life lessons and we have the the words of Jesus…and so much more that point us to knowledge that Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the world…

Somehow, Jesus is the divine; was human enough to understand our plight and divine enough to save us. I do not understand this at all. However, this understanding guides my life and guides everything I do.
However, this beautiful book we call the Bible does not clearly allow us to understand all the inner workings of the world and how God interacts with His creation…
Kevin PaulsSo, I say all that to simply tell you I do not know exactly how God works. But I am confident he does.
That confidence allows me to have hope for the future. That confidence allows me to have peace in the midst of the storm.
I do not need to know the inner workings of the universe because I know the one who is charge and I trust him!
Today, I simply rest in that trust!
By Kevin Pauls
Kevin Pauls. Wendy PaulsMore About Kevin Pauls
Kevin Pauls is best known for two things – his powerhouse vocals and his unbridled optimism.  Kevin cut his teeth on gospel music and over the years has delightedly shared the stage with many of his musical heroes: Gaither Vocal Band, Michael English, Russ Taff, Steve Archer, and Steven Curtis Chapman. He’s performed an eclectic array of musical styles – from popera to southern gospel to hard rock. In short, Kevin loves to sing almost as much as he loves chicken wings. Find out more HERE.
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