“Rooted” With Billy Huddleston

Billy Huddleston
Billy Huddleston

Psalm 63

My God

Nightfall has come upon the desert of Judah. David stands in the opening of his tent…a rough, battered, common tent. Not one fit for a king. He looks at how the moon reflects off the dry sand in that barren land. As he stands there, he had every right to think of how he’d been wronged, to be angry and bitter, to think how he could punish his son and get his kingdom back. Though the events of that day could easily have consumed him, he set his heart on something different…

The past faithfulness of God.

When our hearts break, when we’re lonely and soak our pillow with tears, we don’t focus on the things that are good, do we? Oftentimes, we think of the sin we’ve done, we think of how unworthy we are, how this trial has seemed to have consumed your life. But you know what? We’re going to encounter problems in our lives, but those problems shouldn’t separate us from our Lord. Why? Because He’s not caught by surprise.

In Psalm 63, David bursts forth in song in the midst of betrayal, loss and heartbreak. What does David say? He sings out, “Oh God, Youare my God!” David believed that God was his personal God – his Conqueror, Strength, Miracle Worker, Companion, Friend. Likewise, our comfort and praise can be just like David’s when we come to the place when we believe, truly believe that God is on the throne, in control and has not, nor ever, forsake us…

Trust Him.

Life changes when you have the confidence that He is your God.