Update on Becky… Keep Praying!

From CT:

I am so very thankful for my wife, Becky Townsend. I simply could not do what I do without her. When I married her, I remember thinking I could never love her more than I did then. But I was so wrong, I love her more today than ever before. She is an incredible, loving mother… a wonderful wife, and a great Christian.

When she hurts, I hurt.

For the past few weeks Becky, has not felt well. Major problems have been ruled out, and more test scheduled this week. Becky is in pain, while doctors are scratching their heads.

I need some serious prayer warriors to go to God on her behalf. I perceive this is an attack. I know my God is greater. I know my God is a healer. I know my God is able.

Please pray for Becky today.

CT, WE are praying!