Zack Shelton and 64 to Grayson give song to aid family of Brody Allen

Brody Allen lost his fight, but 64 to Grayson plans to continue aid to his family
Brody Allen lost his fight, but 64 to Grayson plans to continue aid to his family

Brody Allan was a young toddler in a Cincinnati suburb that complained to his mom about dizziness this past spring. But what was initially thought to be an ear infection, was in reality, brain cancer.  When the doctors told the parents in September that little Brody would not see Christmas, they decided to move the celebration forward. The community heard about the two-year-old’s plight, and gathered together to help the family with decorations, gifts, and cards.

Brody Allen lost his fight, but 64 to Grayson plans to continue aid to his familyOn October 19, Brody Allen lost his fight.

Zack Shelton and 64 to Grayson, Christian country artists recently featured in the November issue of SGNScoops magazine, decided to help the family in the midst of their grief.

“We wrote a song called ‘Christmas in September,’ for (Brody’s) family who lost their 2 year old son to brain cancer last month. The entire city of Cincinnati rallied around this family to help them give their son a wonderful Christmas three months early. This is what sparked the song itself,” Zack Shelton tells SGNScoops.

Brody Allen lost his fight, but 64 to Grayson plans to continue aid to his familyThe Allen’s difficult road continues.

“This valley they have been enduring has come with many bills and an inability to work for many months,” says Shelton.  “I contact you now to see if you are able to help us get the word out about this song to your listeners. We released the song today on our site for $1.25 with all proceeds going to the family.”

Zack Shelton and 64 to Grayson
Zack Shelton and 64 to Grayson

In this season of giving, we urge you to download the song by 64 to Grayson.

“We released the song yesterday (Monday Nov 26th) and 100% of the proceeds go to the family to cover their hardships. They have been out of work since their sons diagnosis, and days after their sons funeral… their 16 year old son was hit by multiple cars while crossing the street and was in critical condition for some time.”

The link with the song is

There is a Facebook page with more information on the family and Team Brody HERE.