Ellisville, Mississippi 4/1/2019 …..Fourteen Years ago, Vonda Easley Armstrong and her daughter, Ashley Easley (Franks), began the ministry of Hope’s Journey. The vision for the group was to spread “Hope” to a lost and dying world. In 2006, Ashley met Josh Franks at The National Quartet Convention and, on December 8th, 2007, they were married and began an exciting ministry together as husband and wife. In regards to Hope’s Journey, Vonda states, “We’ve had some amazing opportunities come our way and have been able to share the stage with many fantastic groups and singers through the years. We’ve also had our fair share of transition, but with those changes, we have experienced some amazing blessings! Today marks a new beginning for Hope’s Journey. After much prayer, I am excited to announce a change in direction, both in music and ministry. Over the past 5 months, I have been seeking God for direction for the group since my marriage to Jack Armstrong, owner of The Bibletones, and moving to Mississippi in late October. I am excited to announce that Alicia Estis and Jenny Stork, both from Mississippi, will be joining Hope’s Journey in all singing and speaking engagements. I met Alicia about a year ago and from our first conversation, I knew God had big plans for this young lady. Her desire to minister and her talent in songwriting and singing simply blew me away. She and her husband, Marty, own and manage Estis Music Group. God has gifted Marty and Alicia in writing the gospel message in song. We love the old songs and the new, and we plan to give our audiences a taste of both. God knows what He is doing in every situation, and I am very blessed to have this family on board with Hope’s Journey. Jenny Stork makes her home in Vancleave, Mississippi. She is strong in harmony and singing the high part, but more importantly, she is strong in her love for the Lord. Please help me welcome Alicia and Jenny to Hope’s Journey.â€