FMG Label Signs Cheri Taylor

Cheri Taylor

Nashville, TN Family Music Group announces the signing of Cheri Taylor from Santa Claus, Indiana. Cheri started singing with a local quartet when she was 17 years old. She has recorded 11 projects. She is the author of The Other Side of Broken and a series of devotionals entitled “Heart Thoughts.” These devotionals are shared on multiple radio stations daily. Cheri speaks at women’s conferences and retreats, and she has completed multiple mission trips to Jamaica and Romania. Cheri’s mission motto is “Once you go, then you know.”

Cheri is married to Greg Taylor, and they have two children and four grandchildren. When she is not on the road, Cheri is very active in her home church in Indiana. Cheri enjoys clearing her mind by spending a few hours each week mowing her grass and considers that her personal therapy.

Les Butler, producer, and owner of the Family Music Group label states, “I have been working with this incredibly talented singer and prayer warrior for over 20 years. That’s a lot of recording, singing, crying, and praying! Every moment has been an extreme pleasure. Both Cheri and her husband, Greg, are special to me and my family. To say that I am pleased to move her up to the Family Music Group label is certainly an understatement.” Les continues, “Cheri is the most serious person that I’ve worked with in regard to ministry. Cheri gets it! She more than deserves to have her name alongside other Family Music Group artists like the Crabb Family, Bowlings, Hoskins Family, Williamsons, Old Time Preachers QT, Barry Rowland and Deliverance, REAL Southern Gospel QT, Bates Family, and others. Effective with this new release, Cheri graduates to the Family Music Group label. Well deserved, and welcome aboard!”

Cheri added, “I’ve worked with Les and the Butler Music Group team now for over twenty years. The way Les and I met was truly the Lord intervening on my behalf. Even today as I look back to that time, I still smile in amazement. From our first project to now, every piece of music that he has produced for me has been done with excellence. I’m truly proud of them all.

I can take you to the church building and the pew where I was sitting, when, as a young child, the Lord placed a calling on my life. At that time I didn’t understand all that it would entail, but I can certainly testify to the fact that He has done “exceedingly, abundantly above all I could ever ask or think”.

Being invited to join the FMG Family has been a dream of mine for quite some time! I’m so honored to have this opportunity, and I assure you, this is something I do not take lightly. The Lord has indeed opened another door, and I am thankful. He alone deserves the praise! So as long as He gives my voice the strength to do so, my desire is to share the Gospel one word and one song at a time.”

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