Kelly Nelon Clark Shares About Her Dad, Rex Nelon

I was so wonderfully blessed to have him as a father. Was he perfect? Probably not perfect but he was close in my eyes. He would have done anything for me.

One year when I was about 3 we went on a trip to Asheville, NC to visit my grandparents. On the way we stopped in Cherokee NC at a little store. There was an Indian Chief with a bear. I was so excited to see it, as I was walking out of the store somehow I slammed my finger in the door. I cried and cried because it hurt so bad. He came and picked me up and kissed my finger to make it better. It did! He took me over to see the Indian and the bear. Somehow a dad just makes everything seem a whole lot better. He kissed many a wound for many years. Heart wounds are the worst and he was always there to make it better. Thankful for my daddy, Rex Nelon. Happy Father’s Day!