Please Pray For Rhonda Wooten

From Day Three

We have been reluctant to post this news, but now covet as many prayer warriors as possible! For those of you that know Rhonda, you know that she is not one to seek sympathy, but today seeks your prayers and support.

Rhonda Wooten, Day Three’s soprano, was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer 5 weeks ago and is facing a battle that alone she cannot win. We are all relying on God’s grace because we KNOW it’s sufficient for any battle we face.

Rhonda begins her Chemotherapy journey today. It will be an aggressive form of chemotherapy, but we all know that God will sustain her. Please keep Rhonda in your thoughts and prayers. Rhonda has had the most inspirational attitude during this entire process.

Today she endures 6 hours of treatment. The doctors have advised that her type of cancer is very aggressive and they are going to treat it very aggressively.

We will RISE ABOVE THIS FALL! God is BIGGER and we rest in the comfort of God’s arms, knowing that “this battle’s already been won”. “We are down but not out, hurt but have no fear, we will get up from here!” Powerful lyrics penned by Tracy Horn.

Who will stand with us against this attack of cancer? Not Today Devil – not ever!
