Weekend Word With Vonda Armstrong- “I’m Reminded”

Creekside Hey Y'all media bash
Vonda Armstrong of Hey Y’all Media

Mark 6:31 (KJV)

 And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.

Happy Saturday Folks! Another week has flown by. I find myself again on Saturday morning writing my Weekend Word . I guess an organized person would have it sitting in drafts and waiting to be posted but those of you that know me well, KNOW that isn’t me! LOL

Can I just be transparent for a moment? Life has been somewhat overwhelming lately.  My Mom and my in-laws are all in their eighties and all having health issues at the same time. I find myself running in every direction trying to be what I need to be for everyone. Lately, my busyness from my jobs (plural)  and other daily responsibilities have caused me to neglect what is most important and vital.

How could that be? What I do is ministry right?

Well, Even the duties God has called us to do can be put higher up on the to do list than those things that is of lasting significance. Our Lord knew this. Throughout the Bible, God often used the most simple things to teach us important spiritual things.

In Mark 6:31, He was talking to the Disciples. The stressful and strenuous work of the Kingdom had caused them to neglect their own needs/body etc.  The Lord knew this and and with compassion and gentleness he said, Come away to a quiet place for a time of rest.

We need to hear the same voice and provide ourselves with rest and refreshment.  Ministry at times is stressful and strenuous. Life’s pressures can take a toll on our relationship with the Lord.

Do you have a favorite place to rest? I have a quiet place and a sign in my bedroom. I’m a visual person and when I see it, I am reminded that I need to rest.  Its a simple yet important reminder.

Hope you have a great weekend and may we all keep our eyes fixed on Jesus everyday, knowing that He will provide nourishment and rest for our souls…

And speaking of reminders, let me leave you with this song by The Dodsons from Tollesboro, Kentucky. Real People. Real Ministry.  Check them out HERE