From Amber Eppinette Saunders
For many years, my husband has stepped up and filled in with 11th Hour any time someone was sick or transitioning. As a wife, I have watched him get better, more comfortable, and grow in so many ways as an artist. Many times when he would fill in, people would ask, “Why not Garrett?” Simple answer: He didn’t feel like it was God’s calling or timing. Also as a wife, when you see something awesome in your husband, especially in ministry, it’s hard not to push them in that direction. However, I stepped back and let God do it His way. (We all know it works better that way any way)
As I, Victoria, & Garrett have been praying the past couple months for God to send the right person for the position, I noticed some changes in Garrett. A few weeks ago, he came to me and mentioned God dealing with him about joining the group permanently and that he’d be praying more seriously about it. I was thrilled and began praying for my own confirmations. A couple weeks ago, the Lord confirmed to ALL of us that this was definitely the right direction. Garrett has been doing such an amazing job filling in, but I, as his wife, am so excited to say that I’ll have him standing beside me now, not only in life, but also on the platform as we do ministry together.
11th Hour Welcomes Garrett Saunders