SGNScoops Magazine is pleased to welcome new reviewer Jeff Lowe to our elite roster of writers. Jeff will be reviewing new music every month. We know everyone will welcome him and all artists will start sharing their latest projects with him.

“Randall on the Red Carpetâ€
Special thanks to Randall Hamm who has been doing our reviews for many years now. Many of you know and love Randall and have been following his steps toward health. He has had to deal with many issues since last fall, and so far has come through them all with grace. Please continue praying for our friend Randall. Thank you, Randall, for all of your hard work for SGNScoops!

We also wish to thank Justin Gilmore who has been doing double duty in the interim. Justin has been a consistent feature writer for SGNScoops, and in the last few months, has also been submitting his reviews on new music. Now he gets to take a deep breath and go back to lending his capable pen to the lives and thoughts of the terrific artists that we feature in SGNScoops Magazine. Thank you, Justin!
Meet Jeff Lowe:
Jeff Lowe, from Massillon, Ohio, has been involved in Southern Gospel Music for 46+ years. In 1974, at the age of 14, Jeff started singing bass with The Soulseekers, a mixed group from his hometown. There have been several groups since that time and in 2009, Jeff started Mercy River Quartet. Eleven years later, the group is still serving the Lord and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Having written for other publications, Jeff is excited to be a part of the SGNScoops family!

SGNScoops Magazine invites all record companies and artists to submit their new releases digitally to Jeff at . For those who wish to submit their projects physically, please email Jeff for his address information.
Welcome aboard, Jeff!