Randy and Wendi Pierce, of Nashville, TN, have their brand new project completed and ready just in time for the National Quartet
Convention next week. The project will feature some of their own material and is produced by Rick Francis. The duet will also be featured on a radio and promoters showcase in conjunction with EHA-Nashville.  They will be co-hosting along with Rhonda Mitchell-Frye, Rick Francis, and Lynn “Royce” Taylor. Evie Hawkins notes, “I’m thrilled that Randy and Wendi’s latest project is available for the NQC. I am looking forward to their showcase and the wonderful artists and co-hosts we have lined up. This is a celebration of Randy and Wendi’s new project and  I believe the public will enjoy their original material and so glad they could have Rick Francis involved in its production!” More info on Randy & Wendi:www.EHA-Nashville.com and visit: www.RandyandWendiPierce.comÂ