Be sure to join Triumphant in the great cooking caper…they are looking for your recipes for a new Gospel music cookbook!
Here is what they had to say in their last email…
We wanted to remind everyone that we need your recipes ASAP!
We are thankful for the ones we have but, we are needing your favorite c
We can’t wait to see what you come up with.
Submit your favorite recipes electronically to triumphantquartet@hotmail.
This cookbook is sure to be a crowd pleaser as we have enjoyed your meals over the years. So get your recipe typed up and emailed to us as soon as possible. Send in as many as you would like and we hope to use many of them in the cookbook.

Who knows there may be a volume 2! Also feel free to give us a short story about your recipe or any details that would be helpful.
Please include your name, address, phone number, and email address in case we need to contact you.
We know what you’ve been cooking so let’s share it with everyone else.
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