Jesus is no respecter of persons. It didn’t matter who they were, what they were dealing with, where they came from: He touched them all. That’s Kingdom prerogative. That’s Kingdom Authority. That’s Jesus. That’s the Master Artist at work.
Eventually the day comes to an end and we’re turning it over in our minds:
Jesus is the source of authority. He has authority over the realm of truth. Â He displayed his authority over the spiritual realm. Â Physical realm? Â Yep, authority their too.
Emotional, Â relational? Â He has authority over every realm. Â Hey is the source of authority.
I wonder: what’s keeping you down?  What consuming you?   Tell him at once. He’ll come to where you are. He’ll reach down to you. There’s no P it today. He stronger than the bully and arm of addiction. He’s more powerful than any reft of relationship. He’ll reach all the way down to wherever you maybe. Go ahead, tell him. At once!
( this was taken from the book “Masterpiece†written by Susie Shellenberger and Billy Huddleston)
Susie Shellenberger is a former public high school teacher and youth pastor visit her website@susieshellenberger.com.
Billy Huddleston is in demand as an international speaker and maintains an extensive schedule of speaking 48 weeks a year. His music  is played nationally on Southern Gospel radio, as he currently has a weekly radio program. Visit Billy @billyhuddleston.com.