Thank you for joining us for another sampling of the SGNScoops’ Fast Five! Today we chat with Annette Bingaman from southern Illinois. Annette is one of the newest female vocalists on the Southern Gospel scene, although she has been in and around it most of her life. She has been a part of groups and choirs while living in Louisville and dreaming of singing at the National Quartet Convention.
Annette has now released two recordings as a soloist and has sung on the stages of both the National Quartet Convention and the Great Passion Play.
Join us as we ask Annette the SGNScoops’ Fast Five!
SGN:Â Annette, tells us all about your ministry.
Annette: My ministry is focused on touching hearts and offering comfort and peace to those who are suffering or searching for something to fill a void. I long to be used as His vessel in finding a love like none other: The unconditional love of God.
SGN: You have a new radio single! Tell us about the song and why you chose it?

Annette: This song, “I’ll Trust You with Tomorrow,” was written by Dianne Wilkinson. It is a very personal song to all of us with a powerful message the world needs to hear today. We take our burdens to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to take care of the situation, but we have a hidden agenda on how He should take care of it. When the situation is not taken care of the way we think it should be, we allow ourselves to worry and fret about it, stealing our joy.
God does not always work on the frontline, but many times on the sidelines or in the background. If we would just learn to “Trust Him with tomorrow and pray about today,” what an act of faith we would emanate to our Heavenly Father. Faith is rewarded. I pray the Lord’s blessings on each of you as you listen to the words of this song.
SGN: Will you please share your testimony with us?
Annette: I have been singing in church since I was a very small girl of about six years of age. A true sincerity for serving the Lord was placed in my life through my amazing parents. My dad was always a very active assistant to the pastor in our church as well as an amazing singer, and my mother wrote many songs, as well as played the piano. Even today, my father (now 93 years old) and my mother (now 80 years old), still play the same active parts in our church with my dad still singing solos and my mother still playing the piano. Their amazing examples placed something in my heart. Then, at the age of 10, I asked the Lord to come into my heart.
I have had tests and trials I have had to go through in my life; I have had struggles and heartaches, as we all have; but the one thing that has always remained true is the love I have always felt from the Lord, and the love I have kept in my heart for the Lord – the sincere desire to help others, to serve the Lord with a servant’s heart, to show my Heavenly Father how grateful I am to Him for the ultimate sacrifice He gave when He gave His only begotten Son for me and for you.
In return, it is my humble honor to offer my life, my talents, my voice for Him to use as His vessel. I cannot imagine the pain He must feel each time He sees us turn the wrong way, take the wrong path, or fall by the wayside. My prayer is that my ministry will help direct those who might have lost their way back to Him, for one day I would like to hear Him say “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”
SGN: If our readers would like to book you or purchase product, how can they do that?
Annette: If our readers would like to contact me they can contact me through www.annette-bingaman.com .
SGN: What are some of your goals for your ministry for 2016?
Annette: I have a goal in 2016 to get on the road and touch as many hearts in as many churches across the United States as I am blessed to visit. I would like the United States to find out who “Annette Bingaman” is, and see and feel the sincerity of my heart. If the Lord sees fit to bless my ministry in making it on the charts this year, then to God be the glory.
Thanks so much to Annette Bingaman for being a part of this edition of SGNScoops’ Fast Five! We hope all of our readers have enjoyed getting to know this fine soloist.
Listen to one of Annette’s songs from YouTube here:
For more news click here.