Tony Gore made an appearance in Savannah, TN, last night at People’s Tabernacle church. People’s Tabernacle is the home church of Josh and Ashley Franks, where Josh is serving as Senior Pastor. The house was full and the Spirit was present last night when Tony took the stage. He sang a lot of his hit songs, including “I Believe It All” and “Meanwhile In The Garden”. A wonderful time was had by al! Following the service, everyone joined in the fellowship hall for homemade ice cream and refreshments. “We were thrilled to have Tony at our church, and can’t wait to do this again!” , said Ashley. Tony is the owner of Tony Gore’s Smoky Mountain Barbeque and Grill. For more info, visit www.tonygore.com. For more information on Josh and Ashley Franks or People’s Tabernacle, visit www.joshandashleyfranks.com.