Younger Perspective With Jared Stuffle By Erin Stevens
If you are an avid Southern Gospel fan, then you would have some idea what the The Perrys have been through with regard to Tracy’s health this past year. This family is a testimony to what true, unwavering faith in a sovereign Lord really looks like. This month, I had the chance to talk with Tracy & Libbi’s son, Jared. Life has undoubtedly been rough for this young man as of late, but instead of focusing on that today, I thought Jared deserved to talk about why he loves traveling and singing. Take it away, Jared…
Erin: How old were you when you started traveling with your family?
Jared: I was cleared by a doctor to travel when I was two weeks old and I have been on the road, full-time since then.
Erin: It’s no small thing that while your dad was still recovering in the hospital, you stepped up to the plate and started singing with the group. What was that transition time like for you personally?
Jared: It was challenging to say the least. It has been very different, but I’m starting to get more comfortable, and am relaxing into it more.
Erin: When you’re off the road, what would you usually be found doing?
Jared: It would have to be one of five things: either a hockey game, golfing, church, going to the movies or just hanging out around the house with my friends.
Erin: What is the funniest thing a fan has ever said to you?
Jared: That’s a tough one. Several people lately have come to the table and think I’m Dad, so that’s always interesting!
Erin: Â Night after night in concert, what song touches you the most and why?
Jared: I really love “Calvary Answers For Me.” I’ve always loved that song, and now getting to sing it is great. The song title pretty much sums up why it’s my favorite.
Erin: Share something about yourself that no one would ever guess?
Jared: Let’s see, it would probably have to be that I collect vinyl records, and that I am absolutely terrified of snakes…I can’t stand those things!
Erin: Who are the top 5 artists you would be found listening to most often on your iPod?
Jared: Tough one, because I’m constantly listening to music, and I like such a wide variety…but here goes:
1.Michael Bublé
2.Justin Timberlake
3.Kari Jobe
5.Imagine Dragons

Erin: What would you consider to be your most embarrassing moment on the road?
Jared: Oh wow! I try my best to avoid embarrassing moments, but just the other night, our soundboard decided to completely reset itself in the middle of a concert. I had to leave the stage, and entirely reset the sound, while the group kept singing – that was pretty embarrassing!
Erin: Â Who is/are the biggest musical influence(s) in your life?
Jared: Well definitely Mom and Dad, but the other would probably be Michael Bublé. He’s such an incredible singer and has a huge voice!
Erin: In your professional roadie opinion, what is the greatest and the hardest part about traveling around the country with your family?
Jared: The hardest part would be missing out on a lot at home, but the greatest would be seeing places that most people only dream of, along with meeting great people.
Erin: Who do you usually hang out with most on the bus?
Jared: Probably our bus driver Mark. I’ve known him for a long time, and I usually stay up late talking to him while he drives.
Erin: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Jared: Hopefully singing! That’s what I want to do, plus I wouldn’t mind having my own studio.
Erin: And in closing, how would encourage your fellow roadie friends as they minister week in and week out? (and for those wondering – they need encouragement as much as anyone!)
Jared: Remember why we do this. It isn’t just a job, and you always have to remember that because it isn’t about fame or awards, it’s about leading people to Christ and encouraging those who need it!
Thank you, Jared, for opening up and sharing a little glimpse of your heart for ministry with the readers. To you, the fans, I urge you the next time you’re at a Perrys concert to take a moment to encourage Jared for a job well done. Let him know just how thankful you are for what an example he is to the young and old alike. Until next month, Scoops fans…
And that’s my take on it.
By Erin Stevens