Pray For The Lore Family: Plans change. Suddenly, unexpectedly plans can change. Sunday, we were to be with our dear friend Mark Hampton in Cincinnati. We were to leave at 6AM. But, plans changed. We ended up in the ER with Fayth. She passed out. She was dehydrated, anemic and having hypotension. We had to cancel services with Brown’s Chapel and Sabina CCCU. Thankfully, Pastor Slaughter was able to get Joy Jones and her sons to cover Sunday PM. Brother Mark had a wonderful service, too. The pastors were so understanding and caring. Plans change. Fayth had to cancel her trip to Pigeon Forge. She was planning to go to the Stronger Conference with her Mom, Monday-Wednesday. Instead, she’s been at home with me. Bless her heart. Plans can change. Circumstances change. Today, I ask for your continued prayers. Fayth has suffered with a constant headache for several days. When she stands up, her head throbs. We believe it’s related to her BP. We are going to the Dr. again today. We need a healing touch! We are scheduled to minister tomorrow night above Columbus, Ohio. Then, the True Purpsoe Conference is Friday Night. Fayth has prayed, planned and worked so hard for this young ladies conference. The Enemy is trying and fighting our family in several ways. But, God is for us. We stepped out by faith into full-time ministry. And that decision was right. Would you agree for the hand of God to move on my family? We know Gods’ Got This! And, on the lines of praise, Sandy is doing great. Her nose is healing, beautifully. We take her back to the dermatologist in a couple weeks. Thank you for praying! We count on you. We’ve kept most of this weeks events, fairly quiet. But, Fayth and our family want and need your prayers. We must go on. And, through Christ, we will