Zane and Donna have been working in the music industry full-time, collectively, for 40 years.  Between the two of them, they’ve produced upwards of 400 albums, launched countless careers for some of today’s top Gospel music acts, and celebrated numerous hit songs as songwriters.  Zane owned a record label, Journey Records, which was home to many accomplished artists.  Donna toured for years with one of Christian music’s top Gospel music trios, Hope’s Call.  It seems only fitting that the couple combine their musical gifts and share them, together, with audiences in churches and concert halls wherever God opens the doors.
Michael Davis, president and CEO of Michael Davis & Associates shares, “Two of the most talented people I know are Zane and Donna King. This dynamic duo will bless you to pieces. I am very excited they have chosen to take their music ministry on the road and look forward to representing them as their booking agent.”
Their exclusive agreement with the Dominion Agency will be the vehicle by which churches, fans, and event goers can experience, not only the impeccable talent of the duo, but, most importantly, their heart for GOD and their deep love for people. Â Donna will also be available for limited solo appearances, including womens’ events, both speaking and singing.
“Many folks know, in addition to making music with my precious wife, Â Donna, I am blessed to work fulltime for Compassion International,” expresses Zane. He continues, “I have learned, first hand, that there are many forms of poverty on this mighty big planet. Those in extreme physical poverty are often the most grateful people you’ll ever meet. Â One of the most devestating forms of poverty is to have a wealth of possessions while, at the same time, starving spiritually. Â My wife and I feel blessed to have an opportunity to offer the hope of Christ, through music, to a hurting world. Â We want to help make people smile, breathe, laugh a little, tap their toe, and, most of all, come to decisions that will make their lives richer.” Â Zane concludes, “A rich life is not one that contains a large bank account. Â It’s found in simply knowing the grace of God and walking closely with Him.”
The duo has already experienced a remarkable response to their music. Â Recent radio hits “Hallelujah, Jesus Saves” and “SHINE” both landed in the Top 15 on the Singing News Top 80 charts over the past year. Â And, both songs were co-written by Donna.
Their newest single, heading to radio next week, is entitled “No One Like God.” Â And that is the message they look forward to expressing to the world. Â Donna states, “Truly, there is “NO ONE LIKE GOD. Â What a privilege to point others to His love.”
To find out more about hosting Zane and Donna King at your church, conference, or concert event, contact Michael Davis at the Dominion Agency.  You can do so through the website, dominionagency. com, or by calling 828-454-5900.
To learn more about all of the artists who call the Dominion Agency and Michael Davis & Associates home, visit michaeldavisandassociate s.com.
To learn more about Zane and Donna King visit zaneanddonnaking.com.
Like them on Facebook at facebook.com/zaneanddonnaking.
Follow Donna on Twitter @mrsdonnaking.
You can also visit Donna’s website. Â (She is available for limited speaking and singing events, including women’s events and music teaching events). Â That website is donnakingmusic.com.
If you would like to learn more about a ministry that is near and dear to Zane and Donna, Compassion International, visit compassion.com.
The following companies make up the family of stellar talent agencies of Michael Davis & Associates-
* Dominion Agency
* Adoration Agency
* Mountain Top Talent
* Blue Ridge Artist Agency
Editor’s Note: More information on Donna King can be found in the latest edition of SGN Scoops in the Rob Patz’ feature, What America Wants To Know About Donna King. Read SGN Scoops September edition here:Â http://www.sgnscoops.com/