Scoops Readers Are Thankful!

Beginning November 1st going through November 30th, Scoops readers have been given the opportunity to express their personal testimonies of thankfulness on Facebook.  Scoops created the facebook event called “Thanksgiving Praise Celebration” as a meeting place for it’s readers to write testimonies of God’s faithfulness.  The purpose is to glorify God and is meant to inspire encouragement and gratefulness for all who participate.  Throughout the month of November, we will be selecting a few testimonies to share on our website.  To participate visit:!/event.php?eid=115421031855316



“After our mission trip to Mexico this year, I’m very conscience of being thankful for what I DO have….not what I’d LIKE to have. I’ve also learned a little more about knowing the difference between a “need” and a “want”. I’m thankful we live in a GREAT country and are blessed with MORE than 2/3’rds of the worlds popu…lation. I didn’t choose where I was born or what I have…but I’m VERY thankful for it!! I give God all the glory!” 

-John Mathis Jr


“God is so very good. I am so very thankful for His loving kindness, His mercy, and His grace. This has been a very difficult year for me and my family. We lost our oldest son, Jonathan this past April 29th. Losing my son has been the hardest thing I have ever gone through, yet when I think of what God the Father di…d for the whole world by giving His only Son, Jesus Christ to die for us on a cross because of our sins, I am then reminded of the power of His love and His grace for me. I miss my son very much, but I am THANKFUL unto the Lord for the promise of seeing him again someday!”

– Rick Busby


“Oh my goodness..there is so many..but let me say That I am Thankful for Life from God. I so Thank Him for the many Blessing as Forgivness for He has Forgiven me of my sins.. H e has given me a heart that desires to be His Child..Like a song that come to my mind are He is the potter and I am the clay. He has given me L…ife Abundantly. He has Blessed me with 3 beautiful daughters and 6 awesome grandchildren..And another song says I have a roof over my head and shoes on my feet and food on my table. As well He has Blessed me and given me some Awesome facebook friends…THANK YOU LORD for your Blessings on me.”

– Barbara June Pixley


As I look back over the past year, I have been through so many trials and battles. But, I am glad that I have a God that has been my abiding peace through it all! I have so much to be grateful for and everyday, I celebrate the goodness of His mercy, the precious little grand daughters that He has given me and just t…he pure essence of life itself. And, I love living in the greatest of all Nations in this world and the freedoms that we still have and I am forever grateful to the men and women that sacrifice their lives everyday so we can celebrate those gifts. All in all, I have so much to be thankful for…but most of all, MY relationship with Christ and knowing He loves me unconditionally even though, I am big work in progress!”

– Ruthie O’Dell