We Love Our Southern Gospel Music History, (WLOSGMH) is one of Facebook’s most unique groups. The page features a host of exclusive videos, audio clips, photos, stories and memorabilia being shared on a daily basis. Those exclusive tid-bits are what really allows the group to share the history of southern gospel music came to be one of the most faithful and popular Christian music forms.
In the many years since the Franks Stamps Quartet, there have been some true iconic performing artists. The Blackwood Brothers, Statesmen, Sunshine Boys, Stamps Quartet, Weatherfords, Cathedrals, LeFevres, Sego Brothers and Naomi, Goss Brothers and the list could go on and on.
Yet one family group really stood out for many years as a true leader in the field, The Speer Family. The family had several resurgent periods of popularity that marked gospel music. When the group disbanded in 1998, seventy six years of history were logged in the annals of gospel music.
With the recent deaths of Ben Speer and Rosa Nell Speer Powell, the last original performing family members, there has been a void in gospel music. Yet their impact lives in the lives of those adopted family members who are still singing and ministering.
This year, the WLOSGMH Convention runs March 26 and 27, 2018 to the Murfreesboro, TN Clarion Hotel Ballrooms.
On Tuesday evening the WLOSGMH Convention will feature a special SPEER FAMILY TRIBUTE. This special tribute to the legendary Speer Family is planned to highlight some history of the legendary family. Some vintage footage of the Speer Family through the years will be shown. Former Speer Family members will grace the stage including Joyce West Black, Ann Downing, Jeanne Johnson, Sue Dodge, Linda Robinson Sholar, Karen Apple Young, and Daryl Williams, They will be singing some of your favorite songs. Doug Young and Gene McDonald will join this all-star lineup of talent to create that unique Speer Family sound. Tom Powell, Rosa Nell Speer Powell’s son, will be conducting a choir featuring many of the great songs written by Dad Speer. Several Speer Family members are expected to be in attendance. You don’t want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime treat!

Convention notes for the two day event. Monday 5:30/Dinner – 6:45/Concert
Tuesday Morning activities, followed by lunch, afternoon activities, you are on your own for supper. Tuesday Evening Concert at 6:00 PM. Daytime activities include funny stories, show and tell, gospel music movies, etc. Times subject to change.
TALENT for the one of a king music history convention includes the who’s who in southern gospel music. Chuck Wagon Gang (Monday night only), Mercy’s Well (Monday night only), Sherman Andrus, Ann Downing, The Sheltons (Monday night only), Jeanne Johnson, Sue Dodge, Charlie Griffin, Michael Stanton, Jordan’s Bridge, Eddie Crook, John Wyrick, Joyce Black West (of the Speer Family), Jonathan Wilburn, Ellen Marsh, Ed Hill, Brad Smith, Donnie Williamson, Songfellows Quartet (Monday night only), Administrators Quartet, The Collectors Quartet, John Crenshaw, Hannah Kennedy, Harold Timmons, Rita Spillers, Bill Kelley, Doug Young, Karen Apple Young and Gene McDonald. (Talent subject to change.)
For more information contact Harold Timmons via Facebook with a private Facebook message or email h.t@comcast.net, or call 615-885-8000 and leave a message.
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