Beyond the Song: Avenue Trio sings “They Could Not”

Avenue Trio
Avenue Trio

Beyond the Song by Jantina Baksteen

For this edition of Beyond the Song, I reached out to Avenue Trio who have had some member changes. The Trio have sent an amazing new song to gospel music  radio.

I talked to Kasey Kemp about the changes with Avenue Trio.

Avenue Trio: Kasey Kemp
Kasey Kemp and family

Jantina Baksteen: Avenue Trio is a sparkling group! Where did you find Daniel Rivera and Kyle Smith?

Kasey Kemp: I have known Daniel since he was in Bible college. We have been friends many years and when I knew he was available, we talked about the ministry of Avenue, and both felt God opening this door. 

Kyle is new to gospel music and I met him at the Steve Hurst School of Music. He is from Mississippi and a great young man. 


Avenue Trio
Daniel Rivera


JB: Kasey, how do you enjoy standing alongside those two young men on stage?

KK: It’s awesome! They are both good Christian boys and I have a blast with them. 


Avenue Trio
Kyle Smith

JB: You have an awesome single out called, “They Could Not,” that features Kyle. Please share how this song came to you, its message, and what it means to you personally? 

KK: It’s an old Sandi Patty song that I had not heard in years. I actually had forgotten about it. Our record company mentioned this song and said they felt it should be redone, trio style. Josh Townsend of Legacy Five arranged and produced it. It’s an amazing arrangement and very vividly tells the story of Christ’s earthly journey up to the cross and his resurrection. I can’t help but tear up every time we sing it. 



Avenue Trio
Avenue Trio

JB: Now you have these two young men on board, do they do all the hard work setting up stuff before the event starts?

KK: Are you kidding!? All joking aside, everyone has their jobs, and then helps the others after getting their part done. It’s a great team effort.


JB: Who is the joker on the Avenue team?

KK: Uhm…everyone! Hah!


JB: Do you have a fun road story to share?

KK: Oh, wow, there are so many. I’ll pick one. Lots of restaurants have special birthday songs if it’s your birthday. Sometimes even desserts. We enjoy playing jokes on each other and telling the waitress it’s one of our birthdays. Of course, we always tell them it’s a joke, but they go through with it anyway. The best part is when we go to a Mexican restaurant and they smash whipped cream in your face. It’s always fun to see which one will have a birthday that day!


JB: Has Kyle, Daniel or you have a testimony to share?

KK: We would all be quick to say that we are blood bought, born again children of God. God has saved us, blessed us with a measure of talent to service Him. 


JB: As well as Avenue, Kasey and Haley have another ministry. Could you share some about that?

KK: My wife, Haley, and I, have a church service and revival ministry. We have recorded our first cd called, “Living In Love,” with songs she has written and a few other great songs. We enjoy going into a church to sing, play my trumpet and preaching the word. God is allowing us to see people saved and revived through this ministry. We are so blessed to do this together as a married couple. 


JB: Are Avi and Autry joining you every family date? Is Avi interested in stepping up and singing a song?

KK: They both love to sing and can match pitch. We are really excited about that. When they hear our songs come on the radio, they start bouncing around and moving their heads back and forth. Autry can sing a few words but Avi can sing them all! She even recorded a chorus of “King Of The World,” on our recording. We are so proud of both of them. 

Kasey and Haley Kemp

JB: Do you have any stories about being on stage with Haley? 

KK: Long story short, she got shocked by some grounding issues at a church through the sound system. God blessed by Haley not being harmed even though it was severe, and a young lady that was a Buddhist came to Christ through the experience. It was an amazing few days.

JB: You and Haley have also got a great song out, called “Blood Bought.” Please  share some about that.

KK: “Blood Bought,” is an old McGruders’ song. I had been watching some of their stuff on YouTube and Haley heard “Blood Bought.” She had been wanting to do a song about the blood of Jesus, and when she heard it, she said, “That’s it!” We love singing it and people really seem to enjoy it. 


Daniel Rivera and Family

JB: What do Avenue Trio members do when you have time off? 

KK: Lots of things.I work on mine and Haley’s schedule, the group schedule, and spend as much time with my family as possible. Daniel has an internet gospel music radio station called, Good News Southern Gospel. Aside from that, he enjoys time with his wife and children.

JB: Where and how can we contact Avenue Trio and your family ministry?

KK: Our website is the best place:  Haley and I can be reached at


We hope you enjoy Avenue Trio singing, “They Could Not:”




Thanks to Avenue Trio for sharing your ministries with SGNScoops. Many blessings and safety on ministry roads. We pray that the message in the songs and words you share on stage change the lives of your listeners across the world.

Avenue Trio
Autry Kemp and Danny Funderburk

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