Beyond the Song with Jantina Baksteen
I recently came into contact with Caleb King of the King Family. At the time, it seemed like it happened in error; but for God, there‘s no mistakes, and I believe he put all of this together. When you hear the song The King Family has recorded called, “A Trip To The Altar,” you will understand why I know it was God who orchestrated our conversation. I hope you’ll enjoy this interview.
Jantina Baksteen: You are no strangers to Gospel music fans. But for those who don’t know you, will you please share your family’s ministry with SGNScoops?
Caleb King: We have actually been doing family ministry for as long as I can remember. My dad, Earl King, Sr., was the pastor at Cold Springs Baptist church for about 23 years and we would sing as a family there.
JB: When did your journey of gospel music evangelism begin?
CK: Back in 2014, I took a step of faith and did my first solo album called, “Glory to His Name.” I had wanted to get in the ministry for singing since I was a little boy. At a CD release party my church had for me, mom, Vicky King, and dad helped me sing some songs that night, and then they started traveling with me after that night.
Eventually, our schedule was getting pretty busy, so dad decided to step down as pastor and his assistant, Oliver Dills, stepped in. On March 1st, 2016, I finally surrendered (to) my call to preach a call. I had been running from (this) since I was a freshman in high school. Later on that year, Cold Springs Baptist Church ordained me as a traveling evangelist. Unfortunately, not long after, our beloved pastor Oliver came down with brain cancer, and Dad and I stepped in to the pastoral roll, while his dear friend for many years began a battle we’ve all been touched by. For about a year and a half, we were helping each other with the pastoral duties, as (dad) had been one for 23 years. It was a great growing opportunity for me to learn and have my father as my mentor. Unfortunately, his dear friend and our dear pastor wouldn’t get the healing we were hoping for, but rather got the ultimate and complete healing as the Lord called him home. A few months after Ollie had passed away, a man named David Postell stepped behind the pulpit and rather then campaign for an opening position, he preached as a pastor should. A few months later, we elected him as our pastor and we were able to hit the road again, spreading the gospel of Jesus through preaching and song. Our home church is still Cold Springs Baptist; when we’re not on the road, that’s where you’ll find us supporting our new friend and pastor, David.
JB: You have a great song out entitled, “A Trip To The Altar.” Is there a story to share about when and how you felt the calling on your heart to make that trip?
CK: “A Trip To The Altar,” is a song we’ve got quite a bit of radio time with, even though we haven’t officially released it with anyone yet. The Lord has just blessed us. It’s an old Hinson song that Ronnie wrote. I loved the Hinsons! Our producer, Shane Roark, suggested I sing that song and I fell in love with it when I first heard it.
I never will forget the night I got saved! I was a five year old boy and I actually was at home, so I’m thankful we serve a God that you can make an altar wherever you’re at and he’ll find you! I was taking a bath and it just hit me does Jesus love me? My heart began to beat out of my chest and I screamed for my sister Hilary Bumgarner (now – it used to be King). I still say King sometimes when I introduce her. She wrapped me in a towel, took me into the living room on a Friday night. And as I sat in Dad’s lap, I began to feel the love of Jesus move into my heart and I’m so thankful the answer was yes, Jesus did love me, and he loves everyone so much that he gave his life for us! That’s why I want to live my life for him. That’s when I made my trip to the altar and got saved.
JB: What is what you felt or experienced after you surrendered your life to Christ?
CK: Being saved at a young age, the older I got, I kind of didn’t take my faith as seriously as I should have. There’s a difference in being saved, and being sold out and fully surrendered to God’s plan and will for your life. I went through a time when I was in high school when friends on the baseball team would come to church and I would literally fight back tears and worship because I didn’t want them to make fun of me. But then something happened one night and God put me in a dry season. I would go to church and we would have good services but I couldn’t feel his presence; I couldn’t even get my eyes to water. It’s a miserable place to be in when you’re saved because I didn’t know what to do. God sometimes uses valleys and mountains, and in my case, dry spells, to get our attention. That lasted for about a year and a half, and finally in a revival service one night, the spirit was moving and I went to the altar and just prayed and told the Lord I’m so tired of this dry spell I begged God to (feel) his presence like I did the night I got saved, and if he’d give me my tears back, I’d never hold one back again. So I cry a lot when I preach or sing but I’m so thankful that (I) can!
JB: Who is the writer of that song?
CK: Ronnie Hinson wrote “A Trip To The Altar,” and it’s such a true song. The Lord has blessed me and I’ve got to go to a lot of places and see a lot of things, do a lot of things, I’ve wanted to do. But nothing even comes close to the night I got saved or a night when his presence shows up at a singing. Nothing beats being in the presence of the almighty King.

JB: Have you actually experienced somebody go to the altar after singing that song?
CK: We have had several people go to the altar when we sing this song. A few have gotten saved and a few have rededicated their lives and some come to the altar just to praise Jesus. It’s a song that’s a great reminder of the night people got saved or at least (it is) for me. Anytime I’m down or sad, I just think about the night I got saved and realize there’s no (reason) to be down, because we’ve got the victory through Jesus Christ, if you’re one of his children.
JB: As the whole world is struggling with this pandemic, is there something you have learned during this time, as we all have to go back to the basics?
CK: The pandemic really hit us hard but not as hard as some other groups, thankfully. We still have other jobs that helped us out a whole lot. But this new year we are doing some changes. I just turned 30 and am really wanting to be able to do ministry full time, to where I don’t have to worry about getting back to a job if a church decides it wants to keep us over for a revival, or something like that. Mom and dad are still going to travel some. My older brother, Earl King, Jr., who doesn’t travel with us, lives about three hours away,(with) his wife (and) two kids. So, mom and dad want to spend a little more time with them. So, I’ll be doing a lot more solo stuff, as I did when I first started back in 2014.
But the one thing I’ve learned, as I have time and time again, is we serve a faithful God! When it looks like it’s over and the end is near, he makes a way every time.
JB: Do you have a message of hope to share for those who have no hope?
CK: Jesus! He’s the only hope you need. I could give such a long and precise answer to this question but it’s so simple. If you truly have all your hope and trust in Jesus, you’ll know how to (weather) your valleys and your storms because you’ll know he’s right there with you, through the good times and the bad.

JB: What is coming in the near future for The King Family?
CK: Just some more solo stuff on the horizon for me. And hopefully we’ll be getting back in the studio real soon with Chapel Valley. They do such a great job on everyone’s projects. We love them to death. And hopefully some new places to join with our singing friends. We love when we get to be with our friends at singings and sing together with them. I am hoping to start another singing around the Bryson City, North Carolina, area as well, so any supporters who would like to sponsor a group or something, (that) would be very helpful. It’s still in the early planning stages though.
JB: How can we reach you to get your music and maybe book you for a church service?
CK: Anyone who would like to get a hold of us can to to our Facebook page, The King Family, you can send us a message on there. Or you can call me at 828-736-0862. Just leave a message if I don’t answer. Hey, guess that’s another new thing, hopefully, on the horizon is getting a booking agent and a website.
We hope you enjoy the Kings Family, singing “A Trip to The Altar.”
Thank you, Caleb and The King Family, for sharing your ministry with SGNScoops. May the Lord shine down His blessing on your ministry.