Exodus members Mike Watson, Susan Brady, Mary Scott and Cole Watson, from Gadsden, Alab., just released their new single, “Behold The Lamb,” to Southern Gospel radio.  The group has now made a new video to be released shortly.
“Behold The Lamb,” written by group member Brady and Phil Cross, is a beautiful, powerful ballad that features Cole.

Brady tells SGNScoops: “God loved His creation (man) so much He was willing to send His darling Son to be the last sacrificial Lamb ever needed again. When John the Baptist spoke these words in John 1:29 ‘ Behold The Lamb of God which taketh Away the sin of the world’, it was a proclamation, identifying who Jesus was and what He was going to do!
The new video will debut on Facebook, tomorrow night August 3, at 7:00 p.m. Eastern, 6:00 p.m. Central.
Visit Exodus on Facebook.
Visit Phil Cross on Facebook.
About Exodus:
We became Exodus after lots of prayer. We all go to church together and that is how it started. Our pastor James O. Wallace asked Mary to sing “There Rose a Lamb” for Easter 2011. We were not for sure how the harmony would sound. Mike sang with his mom and dad for years and Susan with her family, Mary sang bluegrass/southern gospel. When we got together to practice over the song, it was amazing the harmony. It was not just the harmony though, God met with us and God used that song, on Easter, for His Glory and Honor. Praise God for His willingness to come and die for sinners like Exodus. We knew then, that it was something special. Our main goal in the beginning is for God to use us to Honor Him, that still stands today. The name “Exodus” came originally from Susan. Mary and Mike were both skeptical, but after praying and studying it, it was perfect for us. We were in bondage of sin, just like the children of Israel. We were both delivered from that bondage. We exited out of bondage and now awaiting that mass exodus that will take place pretty soon for those who have been gloriously saved from the bondage of sin, from death and hell. Praise God for His grace and mercy.
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