Step by Step: February 2018 edition. By Joan Walker
We’re almost halfway through January already, and if it’s cold where you are like it’s cold here, you’re looking for hot soup, hot coffee or tea … or anything hot.
And … it’s almost two weeks since New Year’s Day. That makes me think of Rob Patz’s Publishers Point for January – A New Year, A New You. I’m sure we’ve all thought of changes we can make in our life. Just to introduce myself, I am a copy editor for SGNScoops. I reside in Ontario, Canada, am single (but may get a cat in the spring), and am looking to get healthy.
I’ve dieted all my life. Unfortunately, I’ve never arrived at what a BMI (body mass index) table or doctor’s chart says is my ideal weight. I’ve struggled with body image and self-esteem as well, knowing these issues can all go hand in hand.
A couple of years ago, my hair stylist talked about how she was losing weight. Amy inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and try a new plan. It’s not totally new to me, but there were updates.  For me, I needed the “new.†That’s probably something I need to dig into a little, how I need the “new.†But that’s for another article.
So, take it from a chronic dieter … the new year always seems to be the best time to start something. I am currently on a plan that seems to be working for me, even over the Christmas holidays. Over the next few months, I want to share with you what is happening with my health plan.
Do you find that when you begin to take care of your body by watching what goes into it, other parts of your life are suddenly under the spotlight? I see my spiritual life and health for what it currently is, good or bad. If I stop watching what I eat, the lack of discipline in that area may lead me to feel defeated in my spiritual walk, causing me to put aside my Bible, stop praying, or even staying home from church. Is it possible that we feel guilty when one part of our health isn’t up to par, so we draw away from God? Â
I am a Christ follower. I’ve been one since my early teens, and as we all know, there are bumps along the way as we allow life to affect how close or how far away from God we are. One big bump happened last year when I found myself suddenly restructured out of a company I had worked at for over 10 years. Wow, that’s a big bump that caused doubt, anger, and many tears. As a stress/emotional eater, this threw my eating-healthy plan for a loop.
With this feature, I want to focus on what and how I’m doing with this food plan, in order to encourage you if you are also trying to get healthy. Also, I will fill you in on my spiritual walk, and maybe my journey can resonate with some of you and help you in some way. I do not have all the answers, and it is attempt 10,002 for getting healthy at least, both physically and spiritually … but perhaps we can go on this walk together.
This is really pushing me out of my comfort zone, but I think there is someone out there who is fighting a battle with their weight, or in their walk with God. Perhaps we can grow together. If you want to respond to me directly about what I’ve written, you can reach me at joan@sgnscoops.com. I’d love to hear from you.
Please note, I am not a paid spokesperson for any specific plan, and as this is a plan that is working for me, I won’t focus on the name of the weight-loss plan. If you want to know the details, please feel free to contact me, but remember to get the approval of your doctor before you start on any food/exercise plan.

Editor’s Note: Joan Walker, copywriter for SGNScoops Magazine, joins us this month to begin a look into her life as she follows a path to improve her health, both physically and spiritually. Please watch for Step by Step every month and write to Joan at joan@sgnscoops.
By Joan Walker
First published by SGNScoops Magazine in February 2018