It is fashion week here in the south, and my social media feed has been awash with all the latest fashion trends coming out for the next season.
I love fashion, especially shoes! I must confess I have a bit of a shoe addiction which I am happy to NOT overcome.
I love art…I love clothes, shoes, and purses…I hate coffee…I am totally and passionately devoted to Jesus…I could eat chocolate with every meal…I drink hot tea like most people drink coffee and I love my family.
I am so grateful for my husband. I think he is the most charming and funniest man I have ever met. I am forever thankful that God has allowed me to live this crazy life that I have been given. Even though some days are harder to walk through than others, I believe that when I look through the filter of Christ in me the hope of glory, I can see a beautiful tapestry God has woven for my life.
I believe what the scriptures say, “We fearfully and wonderfully made.” God created us for a purpose. Our job is to discover who we are in Him so that our destiny can come forth in vibrant reflections of His nature, allowing our most authentic self to be seen.
Last summer while Chuck was singing at a venue in Louisiana, I saw a plaque on the wall in the back of the theater with the quote: “Art is something you do for yourself. A craft is something you do for everyone else.â€
This resonated with me, and I wrote it down in my journal to ponder on.

Over 30 years ago at the age of 22, I married into a family full of talent. Everyone could sing and play an instrument. I was the oddball, and during that season God took me on a journey of self-discovery to uncover the artist heart within myself.
I have always been an observer of people. Chuck will fuss at me when we travel because he says that I stare too much at people. I guess I do, but I love watching people interact. I love watching how people in different cultures express their unique creativity. In Texas, Wrangler jeans and cowboy hats are the fashion, while in Thailand, people wear specific colors during the week to honor the King.
I am amazed at the artistry in the temples of Asia. The precision of the arrangement for the flowers and the sculpting of the fruit that is daily made to pay homage to their golden and marble gods.
I listen in awe as beautiful African ladies stand up to begin singing their praise songs to our God. The vocal ability of these women would put most of the entertainers on our radio to shame. In South and Central America, the embroidery the women sew into the everyday clothing would rival anything found walking the runways and fashion houses around the world. There are so many talented people all across this world that we live in.
We are in the ministry, but we are also in the entertainment arena. We have decided to use the arts for our Savior and to share the talent and abilities he has given us with those around us. We have chosen to use our craft to bring the kingdom of God to the places He opens for us.
When you decide to make your art into a craft, it is like Peter stepping out of the boat. Fear can paralyze you, but you must focus on the one who calls you. Who is beckoning you out of the familiar boat into the unknown open seas?
As I have discovered, your craft becomes more than just an artistic expression, it is about becoming vulnerable and inviting humanity to be a part of your process.
People say that artists are temperamental with much vanity; heck, I have even made the statement that artists can be narcissistic. And without any wisdom, this could be the condition of an artist soul. Most people do not daily open themselves up to allow the masses to critically dissect the divine within them. So, without looking at wisdom to guide them, it is easy to become self-absorbed with your reflection.
Proverbs says “Trust in the Lord completely and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make.â€
You may not think you are talented, but I believe that everyone has creativity and talent within them. You just have to choose to practice what you are being called to and be willing to step out of the boat of security to do the impossible.
Remember that Peter did not walk on water, because we know that it is scientifically impossible to walk on liquid. Peter stepped out and walked on the very word of God. He did the unthinkable because his focus was not on his ability to perform, his focus was on the person he had a relationship with: The Water-Walker, the Multiplier of Provision, the Man who talked to the storms. Peter took the focus off of himself and his ability to do something that only one other person could do and placed it in command of the Savior.
What is God calling you to do? Is it time for you to take your first step out of the boat?
Let me encourage you today to look upward at the one who is the Master artisan of all and let him guide you into the realm of the impossible. He trusts you with all that he has placed inside of you.
By Selena Day
Selena Day is a regular writer for SGNScoops Magazine. She and her husband, Chuck Day, are tireless ministers of God. Chuck is a Christian Country artist.
Selena Day is a motivational speaker and is available to speak at your conference or event.  You may contact her at selenaday@me.com http://www.queenliving.org  http://facebook.com/queenismsbyselenaday. Photographs courtesy of Selena Day.
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