SGN Scoops is on location at the National Quartet Convention in Louisville Kentucky all this week. Rob Patz and Rhonda Frye invite all attendees to visit their booth at number 247, talk to them about the magazine and see who is being interviewed for a live Scoops TV taping or the next magazine issue.

Already this week, the Scoops booth has been home to a visit from Guy Penrod, Karen Peck and New River, The Hoppers, The Nelons, Ernie Haase and Signature Sound, Greater Vision, Brian Free and Assurance, and many others.

The National Quartet Convention 2013 is the place to be for everyone who loves Gospel music to hear and see their favorite artists, purchase all the latest recordings and meet the industry movers and shakers. SGN Scoops is proud to be a part of this event and invites all attendees to drop by the booth to meet the Scoops staff. We would love to meet you all!