2019 August SGNScoops: Publishers Point by Rob Patz
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,†declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.†(NIV)Â
How many times have you read that scripture and wondered, “God, if you have a plan for me, why am I right here, right now?†If you read the context of this scripture, you’ll realize it was not written in a time of great prosperity or joy. In fact, the people of Israel were being oppressed right in that era.
I truly believe that this scripture is meant to encourage us. It is meant to tell us that even if you’re right now in a place that you don’t feel you’re prospering, I truly believe, it’s more of a promise that maybe not now, but maybe tomorrow, or over the next few days, weeks, or months, that God is making your paths straight. He is putting together everything that you need, even in times of struggle.Â
I also believe the scripture is meant to remind us to live in peace, knowing that God has everything in his control. For me, it is difficult at times to let go of all of the problems of the day and realize that God is in control, that he has seen this day before I even got here. I struggle with that. There are times where I want to micromanage God.Â
Have you ever been there? Have you ever wanted to help God along and tell him, “This is how we should do it� As I get older, I realize, if I rest in the moment, even if the moment isn’t perfect, and allow God to unfold his blessing in front of me, I will be in a much better place, than trying to micromanage what God really has for me.

I love the last word in the scripture verse above: “future.†So many of us live much of our life by getting down in the present, that we don’t take time to really think about the future. We don’t even pray about things that are long-term future, instead of short term goals. I’m guilty of this. I will pray for the things of this week or this month, but I forget the long-term things that I need to bring to the Lord, that I need for him to be able to hear my plea.Â
This week, I challenge you to start writing out your prayers; write out your weekly prayers, write out your monthly prayers, and write out a yearly prayer, something for which you want to set a goal. Then, we as a community of believers can look back on in August 2020, and say, “This is something that God and I talked about for this year and it has finally come to pass.” I know that right now your situation might not be what you wanted for today, but hold on because of what the above Scripture says. I truly believe that God has a plan for your future.

Hey, we are less than three months away from Creekside 2019. There are so many things that are going to be happening this year at Creekside as well as prior to the event. You are not going to want to miss this year. It is going to be a life-changing week and I want you to be there. Call me at 360-933-0741 for more information, or email me at rob@sgnscoops.com and we will get you all set up. Join us, Oct. 27 -Â 31, for Creekside 2019.
Until next month, this is the Publisher’s Point.
By Rob Patz
First published in the August 2109 edition of SGNScoops Magazine.
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