Rob Patz: Spring and a Grateful Thief

Rob Patz2020 March SGNScoops Publisher’s Point by Rob Patz

Can you believe we are already in the third month of 2020? March also signifies Spring, and for those that live in certain parts of the country, it means the chance that the snow will soon be disappearing from their walkways and streets, and flowers will start to bloom.


I know I’ve written in the past that I love Spring and it’s no surprise. I love new beginnings. I love the part of life where things start anew and for me, Spring has always been a signal for the start of many great gospel music events. I have been so blessed to have the opportunity to now run and organize events throughout the United States.


Spring also means that Easter is right around the corner. As a Christian, it should be the most incredible time of year. I heard a sermon recently about when Jesus was crucified, and the one thief recognized how amazing Jesus was that he wanted to be with him wherever it was that he was going. I find it very fascinating because this man obviously had lived a life of only caring for himself or taking what he wanted from whoever it was in the society of the time. I did some research and we really don’t know that much about either thief. I know in a lot of circles they call the thief that accepted Jesus as his personal Savior on the cross, as the “grateful thief.’ I think that’s pretty cool.


Celebrate the Risen SaviorAs Christians today, we know that our society as a whole is spinning effortlessly out of control. I’m not here to say that I have an answer for how we can fix that, but I do think about the thief on the cross. He knew that Jesus was pure, and was willing to sacrifice who he was for more than just himself. I think as Christians, in this Easter season, we need to learn to sacrifice ourselves more to show those around us what it truly means to be a Christian. Not just Christian in word only, but Christian in deed and action. We are set apart, we are an example.


So let me challenge you, as we lead up to Easter, to be an example, to be the Christian that people are drawn to, not the Christian that’s judgemental. Not the Christian that only talks to other Christians but to be the Christian that Christ so desired us to be. To be the person that takes the extra effort to lift up the people that are hurting, those that are looking and seeking for an answer, not just a religion, but a relationship. 


That’s my challenge to you between now and Easter. Find someone in your community, find someone in your neighborhood, find somebody at your office, and show them what it truly means to be a Christian. Because the outside world looks at us and they see the image of Christianity, not the relationship we are so blessed to have.


March 202 SGN Scoops Magazine
March 202 SGN Scoops Magazine

Let me encourage you to join us in Tupelo, Mississippi, at Barnes Crossing Mall, April 23 – 25. If you need more information, you can call me at 360-933-0741, or email me at 

Until next month, this is the Publisher’s Point.

By Rob Patz

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