Selena Brantley Day celebrates motherhood and Mother’s Day
Being a mother has been the most enormous privilege I have had in my life. It has been a rewarding job but also a tough one; I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
I made a decision when my daughters were young that I would choose them over a career. I chose motherhood as my career. Motherhood comes in many forms. Some women work a full-time job and then come home and work another full-time job being a mother. I have always admired those women. Those are some tough cookies.
My generation had choices to make, and I decided to stay at home, but honestly, I wasn’t that “Suzie homemaker†mom. Looking back I see how many times I failed. When our girls were still in diapers, I always felt lacking. I was the mom that forgot to put wet wipes in the diaper bag or didn’t bring a toy for my baby to play with. I was that mom that when my baby was being loud, I didn’t leave the room. I know. I hate that mom now.
I just loved being with my girls and playing with them. They have always been a great joy in my life. No one on this earth can cause me the greatest happiness or the most significant pain than them. Any mother will understand that statement. Your children can be perfect, but when they hurt, you hurt.

I am so grateful for all the women that have touched my life and been a mother to me when I needed it. I pray that my girls will have those influences in their life as well. I am a flawed human, and I know that I cannot fill every need my girls will have, so I pray that God will send great women into my girls’ lives to share wisdom for them to use.
I had never felt the need to have a mother figure in my life because my own mom was present and there for me when I needed her. When describing my parents, I always say, “My sweet daddy, and my sassy mama.†Not meaning my mother isn’t sweet, but she is the type of woman that if you were to get caught in a catfight, you would want her by your side. She is the strongest woman I know.
When I stand on a stage to speak or when working with women, all the women who have poured themselves into my life come out of me. All the sage wisdom that has been grafted into my soul comes out.

Take a moment and think of all the women that have touched your life….forgive those who have hurt you, bless them and let them go. Cherish those who have nurtured you. Call them up on Mother’s Day and let them know what impact they have had on your life.
Women really are such incredible beings. In our fight to be heard let us not lose our ability to hear; in our struggle to show our strength, let us not forget our gentleness.
Today I celebrate all the women that have taught me through word and action that I can be anything I want to be, that I am more than enough, and that with Christ I CAN DO ALL THINGS!
By Selena Day
Selena Day is a regular writer for SGNScoops Magazine. She and her husband, Chuck Day, are tireless ministers of God. Chuck is a Christian Country artist.
Selena Day is a motivational speaker and is available to speak at your conference or event.  You may contact her at selenaday@me.com http://www.queenliving.org  http://facebook.com/queenismsbyselenaday. Photographs courtesy of Selena Day.