SGNScoops’ Editor’s Last Word for Christmas, December 2017
By Lorraine Walker
The season of Christmas is upon us. I am one of those people who brings out the Christmas music and movies at the beginning of November. Before you roll your eyes, I will say that the tree doesn’t go up until the end of the month. So, it could be worse. But I love this time of year, and so do our writers here at SGNScoops. I hope you have enjoyed all of the encouraging, enlightening and seasonal features this month.

We are proud to have 11th Hour on our cover once more. Since they last appeared in our magazine, they have had several charting songs and have grown in popularity. I so enjoy their music, as well as their antics on Facebook. I hope that if you aren’t following them yet, you will. Jaquita Lindsey was a writer for us for some time before the schedule of the trio began to take up much more of her time. We miss her writing, but we are glad to fill you in a bit on the group.
I admit that this month’s publication was delayed slightly because of my schedule. Between health issues and doctor’s appointments, it is not always possible for me to find my way through the wonderful SGNScoops’ articles in a timely manner. Sometimes, I get frustrated that things don’t always go as I’ve planned, and I feel like issues in my life are out of my control. Many of you likely feel that way at this busy time of year. Just when you think you have everything on your calendar, something new pops up out of the blue. Inconvenient but unavoidable, you add it to your list of things to do.
It struck me that most of the events in the Christmas story happened at inopportune times for those involved. Zechariah was fulfilling his priestly duties – an older man, probably set in his ways and accustomed to life without children – when suddenly an angel tells him that his wife is expecting. Elizabeth, an older woman, was also probably complacent with her life as a priest’s wife, but she still had a prayer in her heart for a child. Suddenly, her life is spun 180 degrees as she is with child.
There was Joseph, a hard worker, trying to put money aside for the day he would be married, told by the government that he has to make an expensive trip to Bethlehem with his fiancee, Mary. Young Mary, living as an engaged girl, not only has to prepare for a difficult journey, but suddenly, told she will also have a child. Everything she had thought her life would be as a married woman is turned upside down.
The Christmas story is full of people whose lives are interrupted by God. Have you ever wondered what might have happened if they were not obedient, or if they railed against the plans of God? What if Elizabeth decided that having a child at her age was too risky for her health? What if Zechariah had refused to name the child John? Would we be reading about Bob the Baptist?
What if Joseph decided not to marry Mary? What if Mary couldn’t handle the sideways glances and whispers of derision, and ran away from it all, to have the child in a far-off place, perhaps to be given to another couple? What if the shepherds had listened to the angels and then just shrugged it off as an advertising gimmick?
God likes to interrupt our lives still today. He knows if you are playing church, comfortable with showing up at your pew at Christmas and Easter, pretending you believe in Him when He knows you don’t. He will interrupt you again and again, trying to get your attention. Maybe He will draw your attention by reducing your finances, dissolving a relationship, or by the actions of that pesky neighbor who always mentions His name.

Whoever you are, whatever you believe, now is the time to listen and respond to God’s interruption of your life. The interruption may change your life 180 degrees. Are you brave enough or open to His challenge? He wants you to grow closer to Him. Each step towards the Christ child will change you in ways you never imagined. Each time you respond to God’s interruption, the life of the resurrected Lord Jesus will be even more manifest in your life. Are you prepared to be interrupted by the Almighty?
Merry Christmas to you and your family from all of us at SGNScoops Magazine. From my heart and from my family, I wish you a blessed holiday season. As always, I can be reached by e-mailing lorraine@sgnscoops.com.
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