Thanks for joining us for another Wacky Wednesday on SGN Scoops. In honor of NQC week in Pigeon Forge, today we ask the insightful question, “Who is your favorite Gospel singer named Scott?â€

SGN Scoops polled about 18 or so artists about various things and tabulated their answers. We have used this (not so great) scientific process to create today’s Wacky Wednesday Top Ten (more or less)!
On our initial tabulation of results, we have a tie of five answers each:
Chris, Clayton, Phil, David and Michaela voted for Scotty Inman. Joseph, Greg, Gary, Karen and Donna chose Scott Fowler.

Of course, you will notice from the list that there is a prevalence of Triumphant members who contributed to our poll!
Other answers received included:
Hannah Webb: “Scott Fowler.â€
Lauren Talley Alvey: “This question could cause some friction on the Legacy

Five bus….â€
Billy Blackwood: “Wow, that’s a hard one! Ha!â€
Shannon Smith: “Scott Johnson, former Three Bridges lead singer.â€
Scotty Inman: “LOL.â€
And of course, the usual ambiguous responses from the Three… Musketeers, The Booth Brothers:
Booth Brothers 1: “I’ve heard of some singer named Fowler but I’m not sure what his first name is.â€

Booth Brothers 2: “Great Scott! There are a lot of great Scotts!â€
Booth Brothers 3: No response (napping).
**Note: The Booth Brothers each answered each question but wouldn’t say whose answer it was…therefore we are leaving it up to you, dear reader, to guess whether the pithy answer comes from Michael Booth, Ronnie Booth or Paul Lancaster!
So now you know! The answers may be a little odd, but that is how we roll on the SGN Scoops Wacky Wednesday!

Thanks again to all of our participants. Be watching SGN Scoops mainpage for more Wacky Wednesdays in the weeks to come. Do you want to suggest a subject or an artist? Email us at sgnscoops@gmail.com
Meet our fabulous Wacky Wednesday panel of artists:
Who | What | Where |
Chris Jenkins | The Kingsmen | http://kingsmenquartet.musiccitynetworks.com/ |
Joseph Habedank | Soloist | http://www.josephhabedank.com/ |
Clayton Inman | The Triumphant Quartet | http://www.triumphantquartet.com/ |
Lauren Talley Alvey | The Talleys | http://thetalleys.com/ |
Phil Collingsworth Sr. | The Collingsworth Family | http://www.thecollingsworthfamily.com/ |
David Sutton | The Triumphant Quartet | http://www.triumphantquartet.com/ |
Greg Bentley | Crossroads Records, Soloist | http://crossroadslabelgroup.com/ |
Gary Casto | The Tribute Quartet | http://tributequartet.com/ |
Billy Blackwood | The Blackwood Brothers Quartet | http://www.blackwoodbrothers.com/ |
Shannon Smith | Three Bridges | http://threebridgesgospel.com/ |
Michaela Brown | The Browns | http://thebrownsmusic.com/ |
Booth Brothers | The Booth Brothers | http://boothbrothers.com/ |
Scott Inman | The Triumphant Quartet | http://www.triumphantquartet.com/ |
Karen Peck | Karen Peck and New River | http://www.karenpeckandnewriver.com/ |
Donna King | Zane and Donna King | http://www.zaneanddonnaking.com/ |
Hannah Webb | The Rick Webb Family | http://rickwebbfamilymusic.com/ |