Beyond the Song by Jantina Baksteen
The song, “Be Bold,” caught my attention when it was released by Matchless Grace. I contacted Danny Daniels if they wanted to join me again for this edition of Beyond the Song.
Matchless Grace is family group from Michigan. Members are Danny and his wife Lisa, and their daughter Amanda.
Jantina Baksteen: You three have been singing for many years. How did you start Matchless Grace?
Danny Daniels: The group originally formed as The Lakeside Singers, in 1992. We never really chose that name, we were just all members of Lakeside Missionary Baptist Church. So everyone just called us the Lakeside Singers. In 2010, when we started recording in professional studios, we decided to change our name to Matchless Grace after hearing another group called Lakeside at N.Q.C. The group originally consisted of eight people; five singers and three band members. However, as the years passed, God began changing the direction of the group. Danny and Lisa felt a greater call to share the gospel message that was given to Danny through the songs God allowed him to write. At the end of 2017, Amanda joined her parents to form Matchless Grace trio.
JB: You released the single, “Be Bold,” to radio. Could you please share the message of that song?
Amanda Daniels: 2 Hebrews 4:16 “Let us therefore come boldly into the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”
In the times that we’re living in, we should find great comfort in the words of this scripture. As Christians, we are instructed to come before God with great confidence that He hears and answers our prayers. When we walk in boldness, it’s not in our own strength, but the strength of our Lord and Savior. “Be Bold” is a song about walking with confidence, knowing that Jesus has already walked this road ahead of us, and we do not have to walk in fear of the unknown but in the realization that Christ is working all things for our good.
JB: Danny, you wrote, “Be Bold,” together with Amanda, how did the lyrics of this song come to you?
Danny D: Amanda initially came to me with the hook of “Be Bold, Be brave, God knows the way.” When I started writing verses for the song I wanted people to know that in these uncertain times, God still knows the way. Nothing takes Him by surprise. He’s the same today, yesterday and forever more. There was an overwhelming peace knowing God is still in control.
Amanda D: The words, “Be Bold,” came through prayer, through my alone time with God. What do we need to do as His children? Should we stand back and be afraid? Have evidence in our lives of the faith that we claim.

JB: Who are your musical influences?
Danny D: A wide range of musical influences from country legends, to rock icons, to gospel greats, such as The Happy Goodmans, the Cathedrals, and Greater Vision. All have played some part in the music that we create today.
Lisa D: Family harmony has always played a big part, where voices are blended so closely, it’s hard to tell who’s singing what part.
JB: What works for you, first the lyric then the melody, or melody-lyric, or maybe both at the same time?
 Danny D: For me, it’s always been lyric and melody at the same time. God usually gives me a thought to begin with. Then, as I ponder on that thought, lyrics and melody seem to arrive at the same time.Â
JB: How do you practice in daily life, to be bold In a world that tries to tell you different options?
DD: Hebrews 11:6 “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
This is one of my most favorite scriptures in the Bible. It tells me that no matter what I do in life, without faith, it is worthless. My bold walk is not about me but about the faith that I have placed in Him. I believe that He is, and that He will guide my steps as I diligently seek Him.

JB: What kind of response have you received from your audience to this song?
DD: Due to Covid, we have not sung, “Be Bold,” in front of a live audience. We have gotten a great response from people about the video on social media. Scott Godsey and all the team there at Godsey Media Management did such a wonderful job on the video and radio single. I thank God every day for the amazing people that he has allowed us to work with in our ministry.
JB: Do any of Amanda’s children show interest to become a next generation for Matchless Grace?
AD: My children all love music; our house is full of song each and everyday. Alexander is our little songwriter in training, with a big personality to match. Andie has a beautiful voice and is willing to start practicing, too. I think there is definitely a future with all of these kiddos in music.
JB: How do you share the message with your audience, so they may receive that Matchless Grace of Jesus?
DD: I just finished writing a song called “That’s How I Know.†This song shares with people, because of what God has done for me in my life, I know he can do the same for them.
When we tell people that they can receive the matchless grace of Jesus Christ, we are not giving them second hand information. We share that grace that has been so freely given to us. We share what Jesus has done in our lives. We don’t deserve heaven but through faith, we can obtain it. Not by our own works but by faith in the savior who died to redeem us. Â
JB: What is it like to be part of someone’s salvation during one of your concerts or services?
DD: It is always wonderful to be present when God works a miracle in somebody’s life. There is a certain peace that can be felt when you know that you have been obedient to your calling and that God has used that obedience to draw someone else closer to him. To God be the glory. That is one thing that God does not share. One plants, one waters, but God and God alone brings forth the harvest. All glory and honor are His.
JB: Do you somehow keep track of someone who comes to repentance and help him or her grow in his/her beliefs?
DD: We do not keep a list of people that say our ministry has helped them in their walk with Christ. One reason is, I don’t think we will ever fully know how God used a song or a testimony to touch someone else’s heart. We do know his word will not return unto him void or with no effect. Music is a powerful thing; even more powerful in the hands of a living God.
Though we do not keep a physical list, we always try to encourage and up lift those around us, and especially those who reach out to us in need of prayer.Â
JB: What is ahead for Matchless Grace in 2021?
DD: Well, we are hoping to see a lot more people in person in 2021! Every date after March 2020, got cancelled or rescheduled to 2021 except for one. So, to say we are looking forward to 2021 is an understatement.
We are doing a lot of exciting things with Godsey Media Management in 2021. We will be sending a new release to radio sometime in early spring; a song that I feel is the best song that we have ever recorded. It has such a great message.
One of the most exciting things that we will be involved with is Power of Grace Radio. If you have never heard of it, it is an amazing program that sends crank handled radios to remote countries so they can hear the gospel preached in their own language. We are extremely honored to be a part of this.
JB: How do we get hold of you to book you for a service?
DD: We can be reached through our website, www.matchlessgrace.com or via email at matchlessgrace@hotmail.com or by calling 734-735-9535.
We hope you enjoy Matchless Grace singing, “Be Bold.”
Thank you, Matchless Grace, for sharing your ministry with SGNScoops Magazine. Wishing you a prosperous 2021, in all areas, whether in your ministry or in your personal lives.