By Rebecca Little Burke
Many years ago a quartet was formed known as The Cathedral Quartet. This quartet was one of the greats and has paved the way for many in Southern Gospel music, including this month’s featured artist. As the recipient of the Singing News Fan Awards 2007 Horizon Individual and 2008 Favorite Young Artist, as well as an accomplished songwriter, there is no doubt that God has been at work behind the scenes over many years preparing for this young man to step on stage and share the Gospel message through song. It is my absolute pleasure to introduce you all to my friend, Mr. Nick Trammell.

RB: Tell us about your start in Southern Gospel music.
Nick: I was born in 1984 when my dad (Mark Trammell) was with the Cathedral Quartet. I was blessed to grow up around some of the most influential people in the industry and didn’t even realize it until I was grown. I watched my dad get on the bus to leave every weekend and always dreamed of someday getting to do the same thing. In 2006, I got my first opportunity to sing with some of my favorite people, The Perrys. Joseph Habedank called me in August of 2005 and asked me if I would be willing to fill in for him for a couple of nights while he attended his best friend’s wedding. Of course I accepted! I was scared to death both nights, but after that weekend, I was hooked. I prayed when I got home for God to allow me the opportunity to do this. Almost one year to the day later, in August 2006, I stepped on the stage in Seminole, OK again with The Perrys, my first full time group.
RB: Who are some of the people you look up to in our industry? Why?
Nick: I obviously look up to and admire my dad. The reputation he has among his peers and the fans of this music is something I am very proud of. He always does what he believes is the right and honorable way of doing things, even when it might not make business sense. Gerald Wolfe, Rodney Griffin, Chris Allman, Jeff and Susan Whisnant, Libbi and Tracy Stuffle, Michael and Ronnie Booth, Jim Brady, Scott Fowler, Bill Shivers, Les Beasley, Glen Allred, Bill Bailey, Duane Garren, and Dianne Wilkinson have all been people I look up to, or who have been a big encouragement to me since I have been traveling.

RB: With as many singing dates as you have had, there are bound to be some moments you will never forget. What has been your favorite memory from the road and what is one memory you would love to forget?
Nick: My favorite memory was The Cathedral Family Reunion in Ft. Worth, TX last November. It was a special weekend and an honor to be a part of that.
One of my favorite moments on stage was in concert with the Mark Trammell Quartet (MTQ) and Greater Vision (GV). In the second half of the concerts that we do with GV, both groups usually go out on stage together. You never know what is going to happen! I don’t know what led to it, but it ended up being Gerald on piano, Dad, Chris Allman, and myself singing “Treasures Unseenâ€. I was six when they recorded that song the first time so it was a very cool moment for me to get to sing it with them. Luckily someone recorded it and put it on YouTube so I can relive the moment whenever I feel like it!
Now, the most embarrassing moment happened when we were in Visalia, CA at the Great Western Fanfest. Phil and Kim Collingsworth were supposed to play an instrumental, and then we were to start our set. As soon as the last note of their instrumental was played, I tried to go up the steps quickly to hit the track for our first song. In front of thousands of people, I slipped on the top step and fell on my hands and knees onto the edge of the stage. It was a very humbling moment.
RB: When you’re not out on the road, where can we find you?
Nick: Somewhere with my wife and daughter. Family time is very important to me. Being on the road as much as we are, I try to make the most of my time spent with my family. I only get to be young and married once. I only get one shot at being daddy to my daughter. It’s funny how my priorities have shifted from going to play golf to pushing my little girl on her swing, or taking Jessica on a date night while Grammy and Poppa (my parents) keep Tessa. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.
RB: What are some of your goals in the coming years?
Nick: (I aim) to become a better father and husband. They deserve the best from me and they are the most important things in my life outside of my relationship with Jesus. As far as career goals, I just hope we can continue to be effective in ministering to people who need to be encouraged. We sing to people who are hurting and need hope. When the lady on the front row of the church has just lost her husband or child, or just found out she has cancer, she isn’t concerned or impressed with how many awards the group has. She wants to hear that “Gods Been Faithful” and “There’s Too Much To Gain To Lose”. More times than not, we are in front of people facing those situations.
RB: What advice do you have for other young people in the SG industry or to those aspiring to be in it?
Nick: Have the right intentions.
RB: What is The Lord currently growing you in/teaching you?
Nick: Patience. I am constantly in a hurry and I want a situation resolved yesterday. Being a father has shown me that I need to slow down and enjoy the process. You don’t get it back once it’s gone.
Thank you for sharing a piece of your life with us, Nick!
For more information about the ministry of Mark Trammell Quartet please visit them online at www.marktrammellministries.com.
Facebook: facebook.com/marktrammellministries
Twitter: @MarkTrammellQT
Instagram: @marktrammellqt
By Rebecca Little Burke
Published by SGM Radio website July 2014
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