Jantina de Haan-Baksteen brings another Beyond the Song, as she visits with Cross Anchored about their song, “He’s Alive, He’s Alive.”
Jantina: I learned about this group from Donna Journey, on her show, Camp Meeting Radio. Cross Anchored make their home in North Carolina. The song “He’s Alive, He’s Alive,” really spoke to me. So I reached out to them and had an interview with Jay Pass about their ministry and this song.
Jantina: Can you please give us a short introduction of who Cross Anchored is and its members?
Cross Anchored: Todd Baker (lead), Myron Waddell (baritone), and Jay Pass (tenor) bring a sense of excitement about what they do, a deep conviction of the Spirit’s anointing and God’s calling upon their lives. Their commitment to ministry and their desire to see people drawn closer to the Lord are the driving forces behind all that they do.
Jantina: What is the heart of what Cross Anchored stands for?
CA: Cross Anchored remains steadfast in their conviction that God has ordained them – as individuals and as a group – to a music ministry. We believe the Bible to be the inspired holy word of God. We also believe in the virgin birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and in the sufficiency of Christ’s finished work at Calvary for the atoning of sin.
Jantina:Â You all have a musical history, correct?
CA: We have a combined 61 years of experience singing Southern gospel music and have traveled extensively within the regional circuit. Cross Anchored has been in ministry since 2005 and began as a quartet. The group transitioned into a trio in early 2018 with the departure of our bass singer. The group has recorded five albums to date. Â
Jantina: I came across your song, “He’s Alive, He’s Alive.” What makes this message in song so special to you as a group that you recorded it on the album titled “Decade?”
CA: It has a timeless message about the death, burial, and resurrection of our Savior. The lyrics of the song speak to how he is the foundation of every aspect of our lives. Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our faith is meaningless.
Jantina: Who wrote, “He’s Alive, He’s Alive?”
CA: Frances Simpson/Asheville Music Publishing/BMI/Chris White Music/BMI
Jantina:Â Do you tour on a regular basis?
CA: Yes, we perform approximately 40 dates per year, but are always open to more opportunities as the Lord opens new doors for our ministry.
Jantina:Â Where can our readers reach you on the web?
CA: People can reach us on social media: Website HERE, on Facebook HERE and on Instagram HERE.
Jantina: Thank you for giving us a look at the inside of your ministry. May God guide whereever you might be used for His glory.
We hope you enjoy this video of Cross Anchored singing, “He’s Alive, He’s Alive.”