It’s Christmastime here on SGNScoops and we have a brand new Christmas edition of Wacky Wednesday just for you. This time, our question was: What is your favorite Christmas song and why? Let’s shake our Gospel music snowglobe and see what answers the artists have for us.
Thanks again to our special Social Media girl, Jantina de Haan, for securing these responses for us. We hope you enjoy it. Merry Christmas!
Mark Byrd:Â “Mary Did You Know.” I love the way this song has such a sweet flow but tells a story of a mighty King and Savior.
Eric Bennett: “Hope Has Hands” © Phill Cross; I love the way he describes baby Jesus. Hope has Hands, Freedom has Feet; Truth will stand, The Word will speak. The Holy and Lovely will finally embrace. For Love has a Heartbeat and Grace has a Face…”
Adam Crabb:Â “O Holy Night,” because it talks about the birth of our Savior and to me, this song is the true spirit of Christmas.
Jaquita Lindsey:Â “Do You Hear What I Hear.” I remember trying to learn it on the piano, which I never learned to play the piano 🙂 I don’t have a particular reason for liking it. Just because.
Greg Sullivan:Â “There’s a New Kid In Town.” I like this song because not many people in Bethlehem knew that Jesus had been born and it focuses on how God became man in form of a child. This child would be the Savior of the world.
Randa Jordan:Â “White Christmas.” I loved the movie as a little girl, loved Bing Crosby, and it stayed with me all these years. It brings to me the happiest of memories.
Arthur Rice:Â “I’ll Be Home For Christmas.” The song came out in 1943 during WW2 and it was written from a soldier’s perspective of wanting to be home

with their families for Christmas, even though the last line reveals it wouldn’t be a reality.
The song always reminds me of the reality that so many of our men and women won’t be home for Christmas. And how appreciative we should be for the sacrifice of them and their families, and we pray for their safe and speedy
return home.
Mark Bishop: Wow.. that’s a tough one. It’s hard to narrow it down to one song. For the simplicity of the beautiful message and the melody, it’s hard to beat “Silent Night.” It exemplifies what we should be focusing on at Christmas time, over shopping and gifts. It always makes me a little melancholy, too. Likewise, with “Oh Holy Night.” My sleeper choice would have to be “The Little Drummer Boy.” I love the story that it tells and that we don’t need to bring great gifts to Jesus like the three wise men, we only need to give Him the talents that He gave us. But the greatest Christmas gift of all is to give back to God what He gave us, to begin with.
Matt Fouch: I have a funny one…’You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch.†I love the original cut on this song and it fits the bass range just perfectly. People always smile when they hear you sing it, It’s a lot of fun.

Autumn Clark:Â “The Christmas song.” Because it is so beautiful and the story it tells.
Scott Peek (DJ of KNMG Radio):Â “We Are The Reason.” The message can be no clearer. He came to earth as a baby for us. All 33 years of His life were about us His willingness to die on the cross was about us. And it all started that first Christmas morning…”WE ARE THE REASON!”
Harley Madden:Â “I’ll Be Home For Christmas,” I think maybe my favorite song for Christmas. And the reason I say that is, back in 1985 my sister passed, and I miss her everyday. But now I think about it, she made my mom a promise for Christmas that year. And that was: She would be home for Christmas. Even though we may not have got our wish for her to be at her earthly home for Christmas, she was made new in her Heavenly home. Sitting at the feet of Jesus. I can’t wait to get to Heaven, to be able to see her again and give her a big hug.
A Wacky Wednesday Merry Christmas from SGNScoops